Live in Lockdown vids 2021

As of right now I’m in rehearsal mode getting a collection of songs ready to perform for a live in lockdown set. I’ve decided to go ‘full on’ with sound quality and production. It’s been WAY TOO LONG getting any performance videos up. If I'm gonna do this I’m gonna do it right. However... 

The king of instruments, piano, comes with a right royal (pain) of a technical rider which involves a lot of rigmarole synching its sound, and my vocals, from the desk to the video footage simultaneously. Frustrating! 

If I were using a digital piano it would be a cinch, plug and play all the way - truly a beautiful thing. Unfortunately acoustic pianos need their own microphones and levels, and on and on. But it’s absolutely worth putting in the extra mile. Just need a few bits and bobs and I’m good.  

I’ve set the bar high. So there’ll be a wait on these videos (early 2021). In the meantime this is the perfect opportunity to practice repertoire and I want your suggestions!  

Let me know what YOU want to hear. It could be an old obscure song, something shiny and new or maybe even a cover. Something I’ve never heard before! Drop me a line in the comments, let me know your ideas. You can also vote in the poll on the homepage, or do both! 

Stay safe and well everyone. 


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